Friday, 25 September 2015

School Council Meeting Principal Report

School Organization, Classes, Programs and Supports

A - 22
B - 25
C – 15 (without ECE)

Grade 1 –  – 21
Grade ½ - – 23
Grade 2/3 –  22
Grade 2/3  – 23

Grade 4/5 - 28
Grade 5/6 – 25
HSP Grade 4/5/6 - 5

Total Student Population - 209


Special Education, ESL and Library

Mandarin – JK to Grade 6.  2.5 hours of instruction a week.
This program extends the school day at Ogden by .5 hour.

Swimming – Grade 2 to 6 to take lessons once a week at Scadding Court Pool. This weekly excursion is currently not happening due to WTR.

Outdoor Classroom
Embedded outdoor and environmental education for FDK and Early Primary students.

Nutrition Program
Morning snack in class for every student

Music (Strings) for Grade 5 students
This program augments Music instruction at Ogden for students interested in String Instruments. Students are selected based on interest and ability. Information forms have gone out to all Grade 5 students.

Volunteer Readers
Reading support for emergent readers in Grade 1. Community and parent volunteers form the support team and read in our community room on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Jump Math and Lunch Mentors
Big Brothers/Sisters mentoring students in Library on Tuesdays

Terry Fox Run – September 30 at 1:30 pm. Students will be asked to bring a coin.
Art Cart
Mobile cart filled with Art Supplies to enhance Visual Art instruction in classrooms

Mobile Technology Project
Focus on observation, inquiry, documentation, creation, presentation.
Use of Twitter and online classrooms
IPads – at least 5 Ipads in each Primary Classroom
Laptops – Access for students in Grade 3 to 6 in all classes
Academic Workplace and Google Classroom

Cross Country Runners
70 students are participating in our Team this year. Meet is on October 8th. Parent volunteer drivers are needed.

Lego Robotics
Ogden Team of 10 Junior students are getting ready to compete again this year!

Welcoming Communities for TDSB Newcomers – Tuesdays to 4:45 pm.

Ogden School Playground

Phase 1, $115, 000 – Planned Starting Date – August 1, 2015
At this point an encroachment agreement is in the works. Legal from both the TDSB and City of Toronto are working out the arrangements. Transportation and Parks and Recreation have a stake in the outcome. School will notify community as soon as there is an update. Councilor Cressy and Trustee Malik are involved and supportive.

Phase 2, $100,000 – Work with School Council to determine priorities on Master Plan that can be covered with this second allocation of Section 37 monies. Planning to begin when Phase 1 is complete. Construction to begin in Summer of 2016.

LiveGreen Grant – 25,000 – Final report is due to City of Toronto in October. There is budget room for seating (benches or rocks) and gardens. Live Green monies will also be used based on the Ogden School Revitalization MasterPlan.

Work to Rule

The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO) announced that Phase 3 of its work-to-rule campaign will begin on Monday, September 21, 2015. The new actions include not:
§  Filling in for absent teachers
§  Participating in interviews with parents, unless there is a concern about a student's progress
§  Updating or distributing classroom blogs, websites or newsletters
§  Updating Individual Education Plans by the deadline
§  Preparing report card comments
§  Running extra-curricular activities on Wednesdays
ETFO has indicated that if sufficient progress is not made, it MAY implement rotating one day strikes in October. Read more on ETFO's website.

The union representing school support staff began job-related action in the form of a work-to-rule on September 10, 2015. CUPE, Local 4400 members will continue to report to work and perform their regular duties but will not perform any additional duties. For example, staff have been instructed to work only their regular hours, to take all breaks and lunch, and not to attend unpaid meetings.

School Communications

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