Monday, 28 September 2015

Dear Ogden Families;

With October approaching keeping communication open between home and school is essential. Please ensure that your contact information is up to date with our office. If you have moved or changed contact information please call Myla at 416 393-9110 or send an email to the Principal at

Please register for the Ogden App, available on the Web and as an Android or Apple App. Go to to get started. This application will ensure you have the most current information about what is and is not happening at Ogden!

Unsure how to get started with this application? Join us on Monday October 5th for our Parent Snack and Chat in the community room from 9am to 10:30 am. I will review the basic features of the APP and help you get started.


Andreas Ghabrial

Essential School Communications

Friday, 25 September 2015

School Council Meeting Principal Report

School Organization, Classes, Programs and Supports

A - 22
B - 25
C – 15 (without ECE)

Grade 1 –  – 21
Grade ½ - – 23
Grade 2/3 –  22
Grade 2/3  – 23

Grade 4/5 - 28
Grade 5/6 – 25
HSP Grade 4/5/6 - 5

Total Student Population - 209


Special Education, ESL and Library

Mandarin – JK to Grade 6.  2.5 hours of instruction a week.
This program extends the school day at Ogden by .5 hour.

Swimming – Grade 2 to 6 to take lessons once a week at Scadding Court Pool. This weekly excursion is currently not happening due to WTR.

Outdoor Classroom
Embedded outdoor and environmental education for FDK and Early Primary students.

Nutrition Program
Morning snack in class for every student

Music (Strings) for Grade 5 students
This program augments Music instruction at Ogden for students interested in String Instruments. Students are selected based on interest and ability. Information forms have gone out to all Grade 5 students.

Volunteer Readers
Reading support for emergent readers in Grade 1. Community and parent volunteers form the support team and read in our community room on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Jump Math and Lunch Mentors
Big Brothers/Sisters mentoring students in Library on Tuesdays

Terry Fox Run – September 30 at 1:30 pm. Students will be asked to bring a coin.
Art Cart
Mobile cart filled with Art Supplies to enhance Visual Art instruction in classrooms

Mobile Technology Project
Focus on observation, inquiry, documentation, creation, presentation.
Use of Twitter and online classrooms
IPads – at least 5 Ipads in each Primary Classroom
Laptops – Access for students in Grade 3 to 6 in all classes
Academic Workplace and Google Classroom

Cross Country Runners
70 students are participating in our Team this year. Meet is on October 8th. Parent volunteer drivers are needed.

Lego Robotics
Ogden Team of 10 Junior students are getting ready to compete again this year!

Welcoming Communities for TDSB Newcomers – Tuesdays to 4:45 pm.

Ogden School Playground

Phase 1, $115, 000 – Planned Starting Date – August 1, 2015
At this point an encroachment agreement is in the works. Legal from both the TDSB and City of Toronto are working out the arrangements. Transportation and Parks and Recreation have a stake in the outcome. School will notify community as soon as there is an update. Councilor Cressy and Trustee Malik are involved and supportive.

Phase 2, $100,000 – Work with School Council to determine priorities on Master Plan that can be covered with this second allocation of Section 37 monies. Planning to begin when Phase 1 is complete. Construction to begin in Summer of 2016.

LiveGreen Grant – 25,000 – Final report is due to City of Toronto in October. There is budget room for seating (benches or rocks) and gardens. Live Green monies will also be used based on the Ogden School Revitalization MasterPlan.

Work to Rule

The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO) announced that Phase 3 of its work-to-rule campaign will begin on Monday, September 21, 2015. The new actions include not:
§  Filling in for absent teachers
§  Participating in interviews with parents, unless there is a concern about a student's progress
§  Updating or distributing classroom blogs, websites or newsletters
§  Updating Individual Education Plans by the deadline
§  Preparing report card comments
§  Running extra-curricular activities on Wednesdays
ETFO has indicated that if sufficient progress is not made, it MAY implement rotating one day strikes in October. Read more on ETFO's website.

The union representing school support staff began job-related action in the form of a work-to-rule on September 10, 2015. CUPE, Local 4400 members will continue to report to work and perform their regular duties but will not perform any additional duties. For example, staff have been instructed to work only their regular hours, to take all breaks and lunch, and not to attend unpaid meetings.

School Communications

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Meet the Teacher for Monday September 28 Cancelled

Dear Ogden Families;

RE: Meet the Teacher on September 28th from 12:45 to 1:45 has been postponed.

I continue to be optimistic about a resolution to the current WTR Campaign by the Elementary Teachers of Ontario(ETFO). Until that time however, any Meet the Teacher events will be postponed.
You are welcome always to arrange a meeting with your child's teacher to enhance the home school relationship. I encourage you to arrange this with the teacher during pick up or drop off if convenient or by leaving your child's teacher a message with Myla in our office at 416 393-9110.


Andreas Ghabrial

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Dental Screening at Ogden - September 23 to 25

Dear Ogden Families;                                                                                School Year 2015-2016

Toronto Public Health (T.P.H.) provides dental programs to children from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8.

To identify children with oral health problems, a screening program is offered to students in accordance with the Ontario Ministry of Health requirements for mandatory health programs. The screening is an assessment by a dental hygienist using sterilized instruments. The dental hygienist will assess the need for topical fluoride, scaling, sealant and any other obvious dental needs.

As a follow up to the screening, only parents whose children are identified as requiring dental services will be notified. A note to that effect will be sent home with your child/ren for your information and action. You may also receive a phone call from T.P.H. dental staff to assist you in accessing care.

Please be advised that this screening assessment does not replace the dental examination done by a licensed dentist.

The dental screening dates for Ogden Junior Public School will be on September 23, 24 and 25, 2015.

If you do not wish your child/ren to be screened, please inform the school.

For additional information, please contact us at the phone number listed above or visit us at

Dr. Hazel Stewart

Dental and Oral Health Services

Friday, 18 September 2015

September 18, 2015 Update about School Council, Parent Snack and Chats, Cross Country and Lego Robotics

Reorganization of Classrooms – September 18, 2015 is count day
We have had a healthy registration for our school this year and may need to balance classes. Our count for September 18 has been done and we will find out early next week about next steps. I will communicate any developments to our School Council at the meeting on September 24th .

School Council
Please join us for our first meeting on Thursday September 24 at 5:30 pm.
This first meeting will include the formation of council, student safety at school, activity planning and a playground update.  All parents welcome.

Monday Parent Snack and Chat
First session planned for September 28th from 9am to 10:30am. Please contact (416 884-2870) for more info or to share your ideas.

Nutrition Program
Thanks to Hala Toubal Our Nutrition Program has begun. Volunteers are always welcome. Please contact her by leaving a note in the nutrition mailbox in our office.

Cross Country Team
Cross Country will continue practicing on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday morning at 7:55 AM in the schoolyard. Parent volunteers are welcome to support our morning runners whenever you can.

Lego Robotics
Our Lego Robotics team is off to a great start with some new applicants today. We wish the team success in their programming goals!

Meet the Teacher

At this point all meet the Teacher/Curriculum events have been postponed.  

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Ogden Junior Public School Virtual Library - A great online resource for your child at home and school!

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Did you know that your child can get help from their school library when outside of school?
TDSB has a Virtual Library website of digital resources (e-books, news articles, streamed video, curated sites), to help students, teachers and parents.  Digital resources can be accessed anywhere, anytime with an internet connection. Some resources need passwords which you can get from your school's teacher-librarian.

The Virtual Library is an extension of your school library. It can be used for inquiry, projects, homework, building a love of reading or just for fun.

The Virtual Library can be found via:

        TDSB - -- top navigation bar -- Find Your School -- enter your school name -- left navigation bar -- Virtual Library

        Academic Workspace (AW) - -- login with with Student Number and Network Password -- top navigation bar-- My Home -- left navigation bar Library on the (also provides access to Homedrive, Google Drive, Pickup/Drop off folders)

The Virtual Library provides learning resources for students from K-12 allowing students to:

1.    search multiple age/grade/curriculum relevant resources from one location
2.    focus searches on one subject or many
3.    read fiction and nonfiction articles, books, newspapers, journals, encyclopedia etc. online
4.    read and listen to many resources with a read-aloud component
5.    watch full length videos and documentaries
6.    print, save, or email resources
7.    access content in English, French and many languages using translation features
8.    search by date or content type (e.g. images)  and avoid distracting advertising
9.    link to “Just Read It” for students to post recommended book titles, find out what  other TDSB students are reading and even win a book prize or author visit for their school.

Parents and caregivers can also explore the Parent Resources section of the Virtual Library site.

   For more information contact your school’s Teacher-Librarian or email

Virtual Library Resource Highlights (explore resources in these sections of the Virtual Library site)  

Britannica Online- a good place to find out about a wide variety of topics,  3 different reading levels, read aloud, translation, images/video and links to articles and recommended websites.
Universalis - French language encyclopedia for  intermediate and secondary

BookFlix  - paired fiction and non-fiction e-books on a wide variety of topics for K to 3 readers
Capstone - ancient civilizations, body systems, science, for grades 4 to 8
Follett Shelf  - fiction and nonfiction books to read online or on an iPad, for grade 4 to 8 readers
TabVue - social studies, Canadian topics, French and English, grades 4 to 10
Infobase - Science topics for grades 6 to 12
Gale Virtual Reference Library - background and specialized information on a broad range of subjects, grades 7 to 12

Online Databases:
PebbleGo - animals, earth & space and social studies information in  an online book format, incorporating read-a-loud, video/images for K to gr 3 and English Language Learners
CultureGrams  - information on countries and provinces, culture and local customs, global connections, regional comparisons.Two reading levels, images,interviews, maps, statistics, comparison graphs/charts, for grades 4 to 12
NoveList K to 8  - an annotated collection of fiction for elementary students which can be used to answer the question “what should I read next”.
Kids Search - provides access to articles on general topics as well as science and history related content for grades 5 to 12
Jobs People Do - career information, for grades 7 to 12
Canadian Student Research Centre -  highlights Canadian resources while searching multiple databases (Science, History, Literature), for grades 6 to 12.
Canadian Points of View - examines controversial issues from a Canadian perspective, providing pro-con essays, Canadian and International  magazine/news articles, for grades 6 to 12.
Global issues in Context - current global topics, international news, for grades 6 to 12.
Teen Health and Wellness  - sensitive mental and physical health and social issues affecting teenagers, support for students grades 7 to 12, also environmental science

 Images & Media:
Learn 360  - view or download streaming video related to many subject areas in elementary and secondary studies. Searchable by subject and by grade
CBC Archives  - access video and audio news stories related to Canada and the world
               Images Canada - a collection of images and photo stories 

Ogden School Council Nominations and Parent Meet and Greet!

Nominations are due today!

Please contact the school if you are interested in being a parent representative on our School Council.

.....and please take time to meet with us on Friday September 18, 2015 in the schoolyard after 3:30. Pizza slices will be available at very reasonable prices.

See you on Friday,

Samantha Lee - School Council Chair
Andreas Ghabrial - Principal
Nigel Dance - Vice Principal

Monday, 14 September 2015

September Update

Safe Arrival and Dismissal
Staff supervision of the playground begins at 8:30 am and ends at 3:45 pm. All students without parents/guardians in the playground before and after this time will be brought into the office to resolve the problem.   To ensure safe movement of students, please keep clear of our hallways and doors during entry and dismissal.

Our School Bus
Students arriving and leaving by bus need to have a consistent schedule. Students scheduled for the bus at the end of the day will only be removed if a parent and/or guardian is onsite to pick them up. Please ensure you are at school to pick up your child before 3:30 pm.

Reorganization of Classrooms – September 18, 2015
We have had a healthy registration for our school this year and may need to balance classes. This will happen on September 18th and families affected will be contacted.

School Council
Thank you to those parents that attended our information sessions last week. If you are interested in participating on Council as a Parent Representative please contact the school office by 4pm on September 16th for your nomination form.  Please join us for a meet and greet on Friday September 18th at 3:45 pm  in our Schoolyard. This will be an opportunity to meet other parents and council nominees.  Our School Council Election will take place on Thursday September 24. Please join us to meet your new School Council in the Gym at 5:30 pm. This will also be the first official meeting of council.

Nutrition Program
Thanks to Hala Toubal Our Nutrition Program will begin tomorrow. Please look on the back for our upcoming menu.

Cross Country Team
Cross Country will begin this Wednesday September 16th at 7:55 AM in the schoolyard. Please ensure your child picks up permission forms from Mr. Shouldice prior to attending. Any parent volunteers are welcome to attend that first morning or contact

Meet the Teacher

Communication with your child’s teacher about their program and progress is an important part of schooling. Due to the current impasse in negotiations for teacher contracts, after school ‘Meet the Teacher’ is not possible.  Pending further developments we are scheduling Monday September 28th from 12:45pm to 1:45pm as a time during the school day for you to meet with the teacher in your child’s classroom.  It will be an opportunity to find out about how the curriculum will be delivered and how you can support the learning from home.

Monday, 7 September 2015

Welcome Back! School begins at 8:45 am on Tuesday September 8, 2015.

Dear Ogden Families;

Welcome to a new school year at Ogden Junior Public School. 

Our first day of school is September 8, 2015. Staff will be in the school yard at 8:30 am to meet with students, organize into classes and get off to a prompt school start at 8:45 am. Please be sure to send a lunch if your child is staying and be ready with a plan for care after school gets out at 3:30 pm. 

If you have not already downloaded our Apple or Android Ogden APP, you can find it at

We are excited to be back and plan on having an exceptional year at Ogden. We are proud this year to offer the following special programs that our students will benefit from:
  • Dedicated Health and Physical Education Teacher for all students from K to 6.
  • Mandarin Instruction for 2.5 hours a week from JK to Grade 6
  • Integrated Outdoor Classroom for students from Kindergarten to Grade 2.
  • Science, Technology and Math focus in all grades (Inquiry based learning, MakerSpace, Lego Robotics, etc)
  • Ogden Nutrition Program
  • Swimming at Scadding Court Pool for Term 1 or Term 2 for all Grade 1 to 6 students
  • Volunteer Reading Program - Reading support for Grade 1 students by Parent Volunteers
  • BLG Readers - Focussed support for our Grade 2 and 3 students
  • BigBrothers/Sisters - Before School and Lunch time Mentoring and Math Support for students
  • and much more......

Parent Information Day at Ogden - Thursday September 10th.

Please join us after dropping off your children from 9:00 to 10:00 or after school from 3:30 to 4:30 in the Community Room. Find out how you can get involved in the school be it Parent Council, Nutrition Program, Reading with students or supporting extra curricular events.