Thursday, 7 January 2016

Happy New Year!

Ogden Nutrition Program
Ogden has a fantastic morning nutrition program because of our amazing parents who step forward to coordinate and volunteer. The Nutrition Coordinator role is a very important one at Ogden and we thank Hala Taboul for doing a splendid job in developing the program during her time as Coordinator.  Hala has passed on the Coordinator role to Kavita Aggarwal who is publishing her first snack calendar on the back of this update. We continue to need parent volunteers to help in the preparation of snacks. Please drop in to meet Kavita and lend a hand at 2pm in our kitchen. Your continued support is essential for the sustainability of this program that supports all of our children.

Ogden APP and Home-School Communication
Thank you to the Ogden Families that are using the Ogden APP to access school information.  This application now delivers key messages and event information to our community. Our classroom teachers are increasing their use of the OGDEN APP in the coming months. As a parent you are now able to get as much or as little news about Ogden as you want…without missing the essential information notifications!

Get the Ogden APP today  at

Piano Lessons at Ogden
Caleb Seguin, a local musician and piano teacher, is offering piano lessons to interested Ogden students during non-instructional time. If you are interested please contact him directly at Caleb Seguin, Private and Group lessons are available.

Clubs at Ogden
Lego and Scrabble clubs are now underway. Please talk to your children about the lunchtime activities at Ogden. We encourage them to stay tuned to our morning announcements about ongoing clubs and sports. Stay tuned for more updates on the Ogden APP in the coming days.

Important Dates ahead…

January 13; Council Meeting – Wednesday @ 5:30pm
January 16;  Ogden Robotics Team goes to Provincial Tournament with Ms. Kruger
January 22; PA day for Term 1 Reporting (No school for students)
January 25; EQAO Information Day –– Snack and Chat in AM; PM session from 4 to 5pm in Library.
January 28; 8am Safe School Team Meeting in Community Room
January 29th – Friday – Character Assembly and Nathan Phillips Skating night for families (4-6pm)