Welcome to a new school year at Ogden Junior Public School.
Our first day of school is September 2, 2014. Staff will be in the school yard at 8:30 am to meet with students, organize into classes and get off to a prompt school start at 8:45 am. Please be sure to send a lunch if your child is staying and be ready with a plan for care after school gets out at 3:30 pm.
Our staff has exciting plans to ensure that your child will have numerous opportunities to be successful. This success relies on a strong partnership between home and school.
Teachers are responsible for planning challenging learning opportunities that seek to engage learners in all areas of the curriculum. The goal is to ensure that our children read, write, compute and think to the best of their ability.
Students have the responsibility to work hard in all areas of school; seeking help when needed, and offering assistance to peers when able.
Parents have the responsibility to guide and support their child’s learning.
· Please help your child attend school daily and on time. The morning routine is essential instructional time that sets the tone for the day. This is when a child is able to visualize their day with assignments, expectations and goals.
· Please support your child with homework assignments and communicate any concerns you have with your child’s teacher. The way in which your child completes homework will often reflect the work they do in class. This provides a great opportunity for discussion with your child and/or their teacher.
· Please encourage your child to read daily. A love of reading will serve them with a lifetime of learning success.
· Please talk to your child about school daily. Find out what they are learning and how they feel about it.
A strong home and school connection will ensure that our children reach their potential. Thank you for your support.
Andreas Ghabrial
To find out about upcoming events and more ways to support the school, please be sure to visit our school online at http://schoolweb.tdsb.on.ca/ogden