Friday, 31 October 2014

Appointment Booking begins at 7am on November 1, 2014

Dear Ogden Families;

Thank you to the families that took the time to register.  Online Booking of Parent-Teacher interviews will begin at 7am on November 1, 2014.  For families having trouble registering online, computers will be available in our community room on Monday November 4 from 9 to 10 am..

School Appointments - Parent Instructions

1.       Go to our school appointments web site:
2.       Register for an account by clicking the "REGISTER" menu tab and filling in the on-line form.  Choose a user id and password for yourself and then click the "Register Now" button.
3.       Add your children into the system by clicking the "Add a Student" button.  Click "Insert New" button to add more children.
4.       Click the "date" icon beside each child's name to schedule appointments.  Select the staff you wish to book appointments with and the "View Calendars" button.  Use the "Ctrl" or "Command" key to select multiple staff to view at the same time.
5.       Click on available time slots to book your appointments and then click the "Book Appointments" button to save your bookings.


1. 到学校的面谈预约网站:

2. ”REGISTER” 选项,注册一个帐号, 并填写线上表单. 设定一个使用者帐号和密码后, ”Register Now” .

3. ”Add a Student” 选项, 将您的小孩加入这系统. ”Insert New” 选项加入更多的小孩名字.

4. 个小孩的名字旁边点选”date” 选项, 预约时间. 之后选择您想要预约的教职人员并点"View Calendars"选项. 使用”Ctrl” 或者是”Command”的按键来选择同时查看多位教职人员.

5. 选可用的时间来完成预约,并且点”Book Appointments” 选项来储存您的预约.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Nuit Blanche: Saturday October 4th, 2014. Identity Play

Our Grade 6 students are leading the way with an installation that include most Ogden students and will be seen and heard by the Nuit Blanche audience on this Saturday Night. Students, parents and teachers are involved in the installation in collaboration with local artists and the City of Toronto.

Between the earth and the sky, the possibility of everything will create a framework for artistic experimentation presented in a dynamic, engaging, surprising and fun way. Altering our basic assumptions about what we see, feel, and understand about our worlds and ourselves, the exhibition will invite audiences to re-think the social and sensorial possibilities of public spaces. The emphasis will be on artistic productions that make us reconsider the meanings of play and participation. The works will be unconventional and symbolic of their particular aesthetic. Projects will reflect poetically on the social and political issues affecting our present realities and possible futures.

Identity Play Ogden Junior Public School, TDSB Ogden Students, Staff and Parents Barry Prophet - Toronto, Canada James Buffin - Toronto, Canada.

Sound Art, Projection, Visual and Textual Media Pieces in the space between school and home. Playful projected imagery illuminates surfaces; reflecting memories, impressions and connections to identities of self and community. Multi-lingual verbal documents of schoolyard rhymes blend with the atmospheres and rhythms of our auditory world to inform the textures and patterns of sound art compositions. Images and sounds vibrate with a sense of self and resonate with a foundation of community. Collaboration with Sound Artist Barry Prophet & Video Artist James Buffin supported by Ontario Arts Council and funded by the TDSB Arts Department.

For more info please follow these links:

Ogden’s Project:

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Welcome Back! School Starts on Tuesday September 2, 2014 at 8:45 AM!

Dear Ogden Families;

Welcome to a new school year at Ogden Junior Public School. 

Our first day of school is September 2, 2014. Staff will be in the school yard at 8:30 am to meet with students, organize into classes and get off to a prompt school start at 8:45 am. Please be sure to send a lunch if your child is staying and be ready with a plan for care after school gets out at 3:30 pm.

Our staff has exciting plans to ensure that your child will have numerous opportunities to be successful. This success relies on a strong partnership between home and school.  

Teachers are responsible for planning challenging learning opportunities that seek to engage learners in all areas of the curriculum. The goal is to ensure that our children read, write, compute and think to the best of their ability.

Students have the responsibility to work hard in all areas of school; seeking help when needed, and offering assistance to peers when able.  

Parents have the responsibility to guide and support their child’s learning.

·         Please help your child attend school daily and on time.  The morning routine is essential instructional time that sets the tone for the day. This is when a child is able to visualize their day with assignments, expectations and goals.

·         Please support your child with homework assignments and communicate any concerns you have with your child’s teacher. The way in which your child completes homework will often reflect the work they do in class. This provides a great opportunity for discussion with your child and/or their teacher.

·         Please encourage your child to read daily. A love of reading will serve them with a lifetime of learning success.

·         Please talk to your child about school daily. Find out what they are learning and how they feel about it.

A strong home and school connection will ensure that our children reach their potential. Thank you for your support.

Andreas Ghabrial

To find out about upcoming events and more ways to support the school, please be sure to visit our school online at